Jewelry Bonney【Delivery Health】

Name Jewelry Bonney
(Jewelry Bonney)
Address Osaka
Telephone number 0120-60-8558
Please tell me when you call "". Guide will be smooth.
Open hour 8:00 AM~7:00 AM
Jewelry Bonney
Japanese English Chinese Korean


Our commitment is to pursue "good women"

[Jewelry Bonny]

We always have a large selection of women with all kinds of charms, such as cuteness, beauty, allure, and sexiness.

The luxurious, relaxed, and high-class atmosphere of our women will entertain our valued customers

You can enjoy them to your heart's content.

What is a first-class store? What is a real high-class delivery health service?

All the answers are in [Jewelry Bonny]!

Price list

60min30,000 Yen
90min70,000 Yen
120min90,000 Yen
180min110,000 Yen

Prohibited matter

This is an important commitment to play , and full compliance is required.
★ Do not require or negotiate for intercourse (sex).It is prohibited by law.
★ Any drug users are not allowed to use our service. It includes illegal drug and
  law-evading drug.
★ A gang-related person or a suspected person cannot use.
★ Filming, secret filming and eavesdropping using
  electronic device with a camera is prohibited.
★ STD or other infectious deceases affected or suspected
  person cannot use.
★ If you refuse Body and mouth wash, cannot start.
★ Exchange of personal contact information with our escort girl is prohibited.
★ Verbal abuse, juvenile violence, and over-aggressive acts that frighten or hurt  
  escort girls are prohibited.
★ Our service is for men over 18 years old.

How to use

In order to smooth available, please follow these steps.
★ Please contact us by phone or SNS.
★ Check usage hours, store hours, and fees
★ Please let us know where you will be using the service (your hotel, etc.)
See how to use more