Body sizes B81(C)/W54/H83
Age 21
Tall 171
Corresponds Japanese○ English×
Chinese× Korean×

Shop Info

Name Club Piaa
(Club Piaa)
Address Fukuoka
Telephone number 092-263-7813
Open hour 8:00 AM~0:00 AM
60min ¥49,500
80min ¥53,900
100min ¥66,000
120min ¥78,100
150min ¥96,800
180min ¥115,500

80min ¥64,900
100min ¥77,000
120min ¥89,100
150min ¥113,300
180min ¥135,500

100min ¥88,000
120min ¥100,100
150min ¥124,300
180min ¥145,500

Nomination fee +¥2,200
*There is a special nomination fee for some girls.

Prohibited matter

This is an important commitment to play , and full compliance is required.
★ Rough acts, Acts that hurt girls are prohibited.
★ You can not refuse shower&gargle.
★ You can not use your own play equipment.
★ You can not shoot girls.
★ Those under the age of 18 can not play.

How to use

In order to smooth available, please follow these steps.
★ Please call the store directly and tell me your name, visit date, course time.
★ Please Please visit us with on time.
See how to use more