Body sizes B83(G)/W55/H84
Age 21
Tall 149
Corresponds Japanese○ English×
Chinese× Korean×

Shop Info

Name La Belle et la Bete
Address Fukuoka/Nakasu
Telephone number 092-271-1117
Open hour 10:00 AM~0:00 AM
100 minutes 115,000 yen
120 minutes 135,000 yen
150 minutes 160,000 yen
180 minutes 185,000 yen

35,000 yen for every 30 minutes thereafter

Prohibited matter

This is an important commitment to play , and full compliance is required.
★ Rough acts, Acts that hurt girls are prohibited.
★ You can not refuse shower&gargle.
★ You can not use your own play equipment.
★ You can not shoot girls.
★ Those under the age of 18 can not play.

How to use

In order to smooth available, please follow these steps.
★ Please call the store directly and tell me your name, visit date, course time.
★ Please Please visit us with on time.
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